Certification of ITC from Volkswagen AG
ITC becomes Volkswagen’s certified laboratory service provider for selected testing services for automotive with a worldwide scope
Materials used for interior parts release chemical substances that can cause odours or health risks to users. Therefore, amount of emissions of these substances is regulated. Our laboratory carries out emissions and odour tests e.g. according to the requirements VW 50180, VW 96043/PN 780, DBL 5430 etc. Evaluation includes classification of the detected substances according to internationally legal hazardous substances regulations.
Institut pro testování a certifikaci, a.s. is an accepted service laboratory by the VW Group for VW 50180 and PV 3942. Our laboratory is allowed to carry out emission and odour tests according to DBL 5430 (VDA 270, VDA 278) for the Mercedes-Benz Group AG / Daimler for the initial sampling.
Ing. Jitka Bakalová
The person responsible for accuracy of data: Ing. Jitka Bakalová